Koi ponds are artificial environments in that without the help of the koi hobbyist, the fish couldn't survive. When compared to wild carp in fishing lakes, our koi ponds are very heavily stocked. Essentially, the koi keeper must treat the pond equipment as a form of life support.
The pollution caused by koi is handled by a suitable pond filter comprising of mechanical and biological filtration. The bacteria in those filters consumes oxygen when processing the ammonia produced by the fish. The fish are also consuming oxygen, and this demand from fish and filters must be met by adding air to a pond.
We stock a range of air pumps, air line, valves and taps, and diffusers to ensure your koi pond is properly oxygenated. We recommend that air pumps are sized correctly to ponds, airlines and diffusers to meet the demand of the koi and filter, to increase efficiency, and increase lifespan of components.
Our premium air pumps are chosen for performance and energy efficiency. Do no not compare model numbers to inferior, cheaper type pumps as the economy versions use different naming practices when choosing model names.
We recommend using 20-40 litres per minute per 1000 gallons/450 litres. Aim to the higher number if you are heavily stocked.